Q.1. What is excel? 3
Q.2. Different between workbook and worksheet? 3
Q.3 What is the Column, Row, and Cell? 3
Q.4 What is sum with example? 3
Q.5 How many Row and Column excel 2003? 3
Q.6 Prepare the project of Date of Birth? 5
Q.7 Write the short cut key in excels? 5
(A) Go to
(B) Current Date
(C) Current Time
(d) Format cell
(E) Cut
Q.8 What is Fill and step value and describe 5
a) Linear
b) Growth
c) Auto fill
Q.9 What is PMT, PPMT and IPMT Give project report with example? 5
Q.10 Give project example of fixed deposit, monthly PMT ( Calculate FV)? 5
Q.11 Give the Movement of short cut key in excel? 5
a) ↑
b) page up
c) page down
d) Ctrl + home
e) Home
Q.12 Give the work of the short key? 5
a) Shift + Ctrl + ~
b) Shift + Ctrl + !
c) Shift + Ctrl + $
d) Shift + Ctrl + %
e) Shift + Ctrl + ^